Creating calculated and arbitrary waveforms

	vs = gr.vector_source_x ( data vector,  bool repeat )
where x can be any of b, c, f, i, s for byte, complex, float, integer or short. set repeat to 1 to repeat, 0 to not repeat.

We can use gnuradio's vector_source to send a Python list of numbers. This list can be calculated, read from a file, input from an audio source, anything.

Let's create a simple ramp function from -50 to 50 and send it out to a file:

	v = range(-50,50)

	fg = gr.flow_graph()

	vsource = gr.vector_source_f (v, 1)	# repeat

	dst = gr.file_sink (gr.sizeof_float, "v_out")

	fg.connect (vsource, dst)

Here is the output file v_out:

Next we will use a series of piecemeal functions to simulate the waveform of a triac firing at 45 and 225 degrees in a sinewave like a light dimmer set at 3/4:

	v = []
	for a in range(0,45):
	   v = v + [0]
	for a in range(46,180):
	   v = v + [ math.sin( a * ( 6.28/360 )) ]
	for a in range(181,225):
	   v = v + [0]
	for a in range(226,360):
	   v = v + [ math.sin( a * ( 6.28/360 )) ]

	fg = gr.flow_graph ()

	vsource = gr.vector_source_f (v, 1)

	dst = gr.file_sink (gr.sizeof_float, "v_out")

	fg.connect (vsource, dst)

produces this noisy wave: