
Available sources:

gr.sig_source_c ( double sampling_freq,
                  gr_waveform_t waveform,
                  double frequency,
                  double amplitude,
                  gr_complex offset )

Available waveform types:

Note: the offset argument is the same type as the signal. Also the amplitude is PEAK, not rms, peak-to-peak, etc.

gr.sig_source_f ( double sampling_freq,
                  gr_waveform_t waveform,
                  double frequency,
                  double amplitude,
                  float offset )


	source01 = gr.sig_source_i ( 48e3, gr.GR_SIN_WAVE, 1000, 120000, 25000 )
generates a sine wave using 48,000 samples/second with a frequency of 1Khz, amplitude of 120,000 and offset by 25000. A plot of the wave follows:

	source02 = gr.sig_source_c ( 8e6, gr.GR_COS_WAVE, 458e3, 1, 0)


A complex cosine wave in 8 million samples/second with a frequency of 458 kilohertz, an amplitude of 1 and offset of 0.