FM Stereo Radio gui with spectrum display:

Additions: Real Radio buttons with presets (edit the code for your local stations) or they can be set to the currently tuned station. Press 'set', then click the button to program to the current station. 'set' un-toggles and the button is programmed and the lable updates. code

Additions: Save to file, stereo pilot power gauge and adjustment. Changed volume gauge to a slider for use w/o a Powermate knob. Code has been tightened up, repetitive lines replaced with loops. The save to file can be used with a named pipe and external utilities to directly create mp3 recordings of your favorite FM station:
cat /tmp/audiopipe | sox -r 32000 -c 2 -s -w -t raw - -t wav - | lame - > stereo_fm.mp3 code

Note: This version does NOT require a Powermate knob to use.
Interestingly, the stereo adjust can be used to reverse channels - I get best seperation with the adjust at 1/4 or 3/4. With the slider at 0, midway or max it's mono. The audio spectrum has been moved to pre-deemphasis for better results, more life in the higher frequencies. code

FM Radio gui with audio spectrum gauges: code
fm4b.wxg wxglade file

Spectrum display in wx Gauges

This small demo takes a 16 bin fft of two audio frequency signals and displays the result in 16 wxPython gauges. Adjust the signal frequencies with the sliders, or the top slider with a Powermate knob (PM knob optional).

demo code

Requires these gnuradio-core modules (clones of gr_simple_squelch_cc.*) :

Be sure to update gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/ and general.i